Welcome to Boy Scout Troop 119 located in Dunellen, NJ. We thank you for taking interest in learning about Scouting and for taking a peek as to what Troop 119 has to offer. The public pages of this site has information about the Boy Scout program. Feel free to look at all the pages to learn more about Boy Scouting.
Boy Scouts is open to all boys from age 11 to 17. The younger Cub Scout program is for all boys entering 1st to 5th grade. For more information on Cub Scouting, please visit the Pack 26 website at pack26.scoutlander.com.
For the protection of everyone in this organization, especially our children, personal content on this website is password protected.
This site is maintained by our Boy Scouts and volunteer Scouters. Although it contains useful information on local Scouting programs, it is not an official BSA website. The information provided here has not been approved by the Patriots' Path Council or the Boy Scouts of America.
If you would like more information about Scouting, please visit the National Scouting website at www.scouting.org or our local council, Patriots Path Council at www.ppbsa.org.
If you would like more information about Troop 119, please click on the "Contact Our Troop" link above and leave us your name, phone # and/or email and our Scoutmaster will get back to you as soon as possible. Thanks for looking!